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Winning Picks eBook & Live Options Seminar (BONUS)$35
See the Analysis Done on 148 Trading Ideas that Consistently Reached Triple-Digit Returns
Learn a 7-Step Process on How to Construct a Great Risk-Reward Trading Ideas Using Options
Get 16 Questions You Should Start with in Your Pursuit of the Right Trading Idea
BONUS: Live Options Seminar
Part 1: Trade Options Like the Top 1%
Part 2: $2k to $20k in 8 Weeks
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"Felix is absolutely amazing, after just taking a seminar with him, I am blown away, absolutely phenomenal. The passion he has for trades and teaching is just really resonating with me because I came into this knowing basically nothing, and I'm now leaving with so much more information."
"I thought the class was fantastic, he has so much knowledge and expertise, and he presents it with so much enthusiasm and passion that it was really easy for us to understand these sophisticated concepts and he got me really excited actually about doing options trading."